Friday, December 17, 2010

Response to comments

I am very pleased with all the feedback that I have received from the people that posted their comments in my blog. After having worked in this research project I have myself become enlightened, as many of my colleagues commented,  it is very impacting and astonishing to see how this animals are literally tortured alive, till every drop of blood is spilled from their bodies. I think that in such issues like animal cruelty it is impossible for people to support such horrifying acts, and thus we can all come to a common ground and acknowledge that we have not done enough to stop animal cruelty, there is much more to be done. In addition, as many of my colleagues suggested it is pivotal that we raise awareness not only amongst ourselves, but also throughout the whole global community. Furthermore, the ways in which we can raise awareness are by creating blogs, distributing information, boycotting fur products, and spread the word to every person that we can. One of the main problems facing our society is that human beings have become desensitized when it comes to issues that cover behind a nice "Fur coat", because somehow when it comes to animals, we try to justify all the violations and any other atrocities that are committed against them because they are less than human. Our society has also become indoctrinated into thinking that since we are a consuming society, somebody always has to pay the price, and also many people do not feel the need to address this issue because this is corporate America and we are not committing the acts directly, and is not happening in our back yards. I believe that the global community has to address this issue and stop been scared of countries like China who commit all sorts of human rights violations and nobody seems to stop them, law has to be equally enforced by everyone, and if China is failing to implement animal rights laws, they too have to be punished to every extent of the law.

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